Phone: (717) 774-7146
Mailing Address:
415 Bridge Street
New Cumberland PA 17070
Phone: (717) 774-7146
Mailing Address:
415 Bridge Street
New Cumberland PA 17070
January 7: Last Names A-H; January 14: Last Names I-Q; January 21: Last Names R-Z
Contact Beth Sider, phone or text at 717-802-2812 for any questions.
Welcome to 2025 a brand new year of adventure and fun. The January project is creating journals for Vickie's Angels. Stickers, stamps and markers will be available to decorate the front of the journals. You will be asked to write a little personal note of encouragement to anyone that is going through cancer treatments. Last year 38 journals were given to applicants applying to Vickie's Angels in 2024. Mickey said the applicants were deeply touched and grateful to receive the personal note inside from the Secret Sister. Please RSVP to 717-623-6568 by January 15th.
Weather permitting. If that date/time does not work for you and you want to walk with a partner(s) at another time, so as not to duplicate houses, please contact Sharon Sheffer 717-774-3137 ( ) for where to Pray & Go. Once you walk, please e-mail Sharon Sheffer with street and house numbers you covered.
Celebrating stories of God’s work and worship through song.
8:15 - Adult Sunday School
9:15 - Traditional Worship
10:30 - Coffee Fellowship
11:00 - Revive Worship and Children Sunday School
Need help from our trustees?
Please send e-mails to
This will reach all our trustees.
This is just a reminder that you can purchase Giant, Weis and Karns gift cards from the church office to give as gifts or for your own use. We have them in $100, $50 and $25 denominations. The building fund of Trinity Church benefits by receiving 10% of the proceeds for each Giant card you purchase and 5% for each Weis and Karns card. We would be happy to receive your order by phone, letter or email in the church office. We will mail them to you and you can pay for them by check through the mail if you are not able or comfortable coming to the office during the week. We thank each of you for the many generous ways in which you support the Lord’s ministry at Trinity.
We need Safe Sanctuary Volunteers (men and women) for both services each Sunday morning. CLICK HERE to sign up or sign up at church across from the mailboxes.
Would you like to sponsor two fresh altar flower arrangements in memory of a loved one, or for an anniversary, birthday, or special occasion? Phone the church office in advance to arrange. The price is $45 for matching arrangements.
There is a new way to give to Trinity! Online giving is quick, safe, and secure. You can also set up automatic online giving, allowing you the flexibility to give any dollar amount from your bank account or credit/debit card on any schedule you prefer. The amount and frequency of withdrawal can be edited at any time from your account. This option helps families and individuals remain faithful in their giving even when they are unable to attend a Sunday worship service. Just click the GIVE button in the navigation bar of Trinity’s website and follow the steps to give either by credit card or ACH bank account. Please contact Carol Wilson with any questions at
Another way you can give to Trinity is by texting “GIVE NOW” to 717-415-5400. Click on the link to follow the setup to give either by credit card or ACH bank account. Please contact Carol Wilson with any questions at
Those who don’t use the internet can hear short sermons from Trinity by telephone. Dial 717-774-0108. Please share this information with those not using the internet and be interested in listening.