
Phone: (717) 774-7146 


Mailing Address:  

415 Bridge Street 
New Cumberland PA 17070





Online giving is quick, safe, and secure. You can also set up automatic online giving which allows you the flexibility to give any dollar amount from your bank account or credit/debit card on any schedule you prefer. The amount and frequency of withdrawal can be edited at any time from your account. This option helps families and individuals remain faithful in their giving even when they are unable to attend a Sunday worship service.  

Click to Give 




Mail checks, payable to Trinity Church to 415 Bridge Street, New Cumberland, PA 17070. Be sure to include your name and address on any checks or envelopes, so that donation credit may be provided for tax purposes.

We thank God for all the ways he blesses us and we continue to strive to be good stewards of all the resources He provides for us. Thank you for your faithful financial support to God's ministry in and through Trinity.

For any additional questions, contact